Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Blondel de Nesle

(Encyclopedia)Blondel de Nesle blŭnˈdəl də nĕl, Fr. blôNdĕlˈ də nĕl [key], fl. late 12th cent., French troubadour, a favorite of Richard I of England. Legend relates that after Richard was captured and im...

Bobadilla, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Bobadilla, Francisco de fränthēsˈkō dā bōbädēˈlyä [key], d. 1502, Spanish colonial governor. He superseded Columbus in the West Indies (1500) and sent him home as a prisoner. Recalled in 150...

Zumalacárregui, Tomás de

(Encyclopedia)Zumalacárregui, Tomás de tōmäsˈ dā so͞oˌmäläkärˈrāgē [key], 1788–1835, Spanish Carlist general. A professional soldier, he fought against the French in the Peninsular War (1808–14) a...

Zumárraga, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Zumárraga, Juan de hwän dā tho͞omäˈrägä [key], 1468–1548, Spanish churchman, first bishop of Mexico, a Franciscan. Going to Mexico in 1528, he became prominent in governmental affairs and op...

Bertrand de Born

(Encyclopedia)Bertrand de Born bĕrträNˈ [key], c.1140–c.1214. French troubadour of Limousin. Some of his 40 surviving poems (in Provençal) tell of his part in the struggles between Henry II of England and his...

Magdalen Islands

(Encyclopedia)Magdalen Islands ēl-də-lä-mädlĕnˈ [key], group of nine main islands and numerous islets (1991 pop. 13,991), Que., Canada, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence N of Prince Edward Island. They were discove...

Rodríguez, Martín

(Encyclopedia)Rodríguez, Martín rôᵺrēˈgās [key], 1771–1844, Argentine general, governor of Buenos Aires prov. (1820–24). With Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, he organized a force to expel the British invad...

La Calprenède, Gautier de Costes, sieur de

(Encyclopedia)La Calprenède, Gautier de Costes, sieur de gōtyāˈ də kôst syör də lä kälprənĕdˈ [key], 1609?–1663, French novelist and dramatist. His best-known works were Cassandre (10 vol., 1642) and...

Lauzun, Antonin Nompar de Caumont, duc de

(Encyclopedia)Lauzun, Antonin Nompar de Caumont, duc de äNtōnăNˈ nôNpärˈ də kōmôNˈ dük də lōzöNˈ [key], 1633–1723, French courtier and soldier. Mlle de Montpensier sought him in marriage; the king...

Montgomery, Gabriel, seigneur de Lorges, comte de

(Encyclopedia)Montgomery, Gabriel, seigneur de Lorges, comte de gäbrēĕlˈ sānyörˈ də lôrzh kôNt də môNgômərēˈ [key], c.1530–1574, French soldier. Captain of the Scottish guards of King Henry II of ...

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