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394 results found

Velasco Alvarado, Juan

(Encyclopedia)Velasco Alvarado, Juan hwän vāläsˈkō älväräˈᵺō [key], 1910–77, president of Peru (1968–75). Born of working class parents, he entered the army (1929) and rose to the rank of general. A...

Alvarado, Juan Bautista

(Encyclopedia)Alvarado, Juan Bautista hwän boutēsˈtä älväräˈᵺō [key], 1809–82, governor of Alta California (1836–42), b. Monterey, Calif. Out of the chaotic times in the neglected Mexican province of...

Hernández Alvarado, Juan Orlando

(Encyclopedia)Hernández Alvarado, Juan Orlando, 1968–, Honduran political leader, president of Honduras (2014–21). A member of the co...

Alvarado, Pedro de

(Encyclopedia)Alvarado, Pedro de älväräˈᵺō [key], 1486–1541, Spanish conquistador. He went to Hispaniola (1510), sailed in the expedition (1518) of Juan de Grijalva, and was the chief lieutenant of Herná...

Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez

(Encyclopedia)Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez hwän rôᵺrēˈgāth käbrēˈlyō [key], Port. João Rodrigues Cabrilho, d. 1543, Spanish conquistador and discoverer of California, b. Portugal. In 1520 he landed in Mexi...

Velasco, José María

(Encyclopedia)Velasco, José María hōsāˈ märēˈä vāläsˈkō [key], 1840–1912, Mexican landscape painter; teacher of Diego Rivera. A gifted artisan descended from a family of shawl weavers, he entered the...

Velasco, Luis de

(Encyclopedia)Velasco, Luis de vāläsˈkō [key], d. 1564, Spanish administrator, second viceroy (1550–64) of New Spain (now Mexico), successor to Antonio de Mendoza. His rule was remarkably energetic, humanita...

Velasco Ibarra, José María

(Encyclopedia)Velasco Ibarra, José María hōsāˈ märēˈä vāläsˈkō ēbäˈrä [key], 1893–1979, president of Ecuador (1934–35, 1944–47, 1952–56, 1960–61, 1968–72). A noted orator, he was twice ...


(Encyclopedia)APRA äˈprä [key] or the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana, reformist political party in Peru, also called the Partido Aprista. Founded (1924) by Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre while in exile,...

Don Juan

(Encyclopedia)Don Juan dŏn wän, jo͞oˈən, Span. dōn hwän [key], legendary profligate. He has a counterpart in the legends of many peoples, but the Spanish version of the great libertine has become the most un...

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