Columbia Encyclopedia

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394 results found

Mayno, Juan Bautista

(Encyclopedia)Mayno or Maino, Juan Bautista hwän boutēsˈtä mīˈnō [key], 1578–1649, Spanish painter. He entered the Dominican order in Toledo, where he is thought to have studied with El Greco. He was drawi...

Lavalleja, Juan Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Lavalleja, Juan Antonio hwän äntōˈnyō läväyāˈhä [key], c.1786–1853, Uruguayan revolutionist. After serving under José Gervasio Artigas, Lavalleja was imprisoned for a short time by Brazil...

Pareja, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Pareja, Juan de hwän dā pärāˈhä [key], c.1610–70, Spanish religious and portrait painter, of Moorish origin. Pareja was the lifelong assistant of Velázquez, who painted his portrait (Metropol...

Vives, Juan Luis

(Encyclopedia)Vives, Juan Luis hwän lo͞oēsˈ vēˈvās [key], 1492–1540, Spanish humanist and philosopher; friend of Erasmus. At the invitation of King Henry VIII he went to England, where he lectured at Oxfor...

Boscán Almogáver, Juan

(Encyclopedia)Boscán Almogáver, Juan hwän bōskänˈ älmôgäˈvĕr [key], c.1495–1542, Spanish poet. A Catalan aristocrat, Boscán was a literary figure at the court of Ferdinand V. He introduced Italian poe...

Briceño, Juan Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Briceño, Juan Antonio, 1960–, Belizean political leader, known as Johnny Briceño. A member of the People's United party (PUP), he was first elected to the national assembly in 1993. He served as c...

Zumárraga, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Zumárraga, Juan de hwän dā tho͞omäˈrägä [key], 1468–1548, Spanish churchman, first bishop of Mexico, a Franciscan. Going to Mexico in 1528, he became prominent in governmental affairs and op...

Valdés, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Valdés, Juan de hwän ᵺā väldāsˈ [key], c.1500–1540, Spanish reformer, b. Cuenca. Suspected by the Inquisition, he went soon after 1530 to Naples, where he became the center of a circle of me...

Trippe, Juan Terry

(Encyclopedia)Trippe, Juan Terry trĭp [key], 1899–1981, pioneering American aviation executive, b. Sea Bright, N.J. A U.S. Navy pilot (1917–18), he graduated (1921) from Yale, and worked briefly on Wall Street...

Torquemada, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Torquemada, Juan de hwän dā tôrkāmäˈᵺä [key], 1388–1468, Spanish churchman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church; an uncle of Tomás de Torquemada. He entered (1403) the Dominican order an...

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