Columbia Encyclopedia

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394 results found

Alberdi, Juan Bautista

(Encyclopedia)Alberdi, Juan Bautista hwän boutēsˈtä älbārˈdē [key], 1810–84, Argentine political philosopher, patriot, and diplomat. He opposed Juan Manuel de Rosas, and after 1838 he spent years of exile...

Encina, Juan del

(Encyclopedia)Encina or Enzina, Juan del both: hwän dĕl ānthēˈnä [key], 1469?–c.1530, Spanish dramatist, musician, and poet, b. Encino. He served as court musician to the duke of Alba in Italy, and in 1513 ...

Finlay, Carlos Juan

(Encyclopedia)Finlay, Carlos Juan fĭnˈlē [key], 1833–1915, Cuban physician of Scottish and French descent; studied in France; M.D. Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1855. Settling in Havana, he began hi...

Seguín, Juan Nepomuceno

(Encyclopedia)Seguín, Juan Nepomuceno, 1806–90, Texas revolutionary and politician, b. San Antonio. He was elected alderman (1829) and mayor (1833) of San Antonio, then formed a militia (1835) to aid the Mexican...

Acuña, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Acuña, Juan de hwän dā ako͞oˈnyä [key], 1658?–1734, Spanish-American administrator, viceroy of New Spain (1722–34), marqués de Casa Fuerte, b. Lima, Peru. After a distinguished career in Sp...

San Juan Bautista

(Encyclopedia)San Juan Bautista săn wän bətēˈstə [key], mission, W Calif., in the fertile San Juan valley. Largest of the California missions, San Juan Bautista (1797) draws thousands of visitors annually. ...

San Juan Capistrano

(Encyclopedia)San Juan Capistrano săn wän kăpĭsträˈnō [key], city (1990 pop. 26,183), Orange co., S Calif.; inc. 1961. San Juan Capistrano has some manufactures, including aircraft parts, medical apparatus, ...

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