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500 results found

Killy, Jean-Claude

(Encyclopedia)Killy, Jean-Claude zhäN-klōd kēlēˈ [key], 1943–, French skier. He grew up at his father's ski resort and began skiing at the age of 3. At 18 he was a senior member of the French national team. ...

King, Billie Jean

(Encyclopedia)King, Billie Jean, 1943–, American tennis player, b. Long Beach, Calif., as Billie Jean Moffitt. King won 67 tournament titles and 20 Wimbledon titles, including singles in 1966–68, 1972–73, and...

Bailly, Jean Sylvain

(Encyclopedia)Bailly, Jean Sylvain zhäN sēlvăNˈ bäyēˈ [key], 1736–93, French astronomer and politician. His works on astronomy and on the history of science (notably the Essai sur la théorie des satellite...

Poncelet, Jean Victor

(Encyclopedia)Poncelet, Jean Victor zhäNˈ vēktôrˈ pôNslāˈ [key], 1788–1867, French mathematician and army engineer. He taught at the school of mechanics at Metz and at the Faculté des Sciences and the É...

Calloc'h, Jean Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Calloc'h, Jean Pierre zhäN pyĕr kälôkhˈ [key], 1888–1917, Breton poet. Important in the revival of Breton literature, he wrote in the Vannes dialect of Brittany. His lyrical verse displays a lo...

Brunhoff, Jean de

(Encyclopedia)Brunhoff, Jean de lôräNˈ [key], 1925–, has continued the Babar series. ...

Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques

(Encyclopedia)Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques zhäN zhäk bo͝orlämäkēˈ [key], 1694–1748, Swiss jurist. His chief works are Principes du droit naturel [principles of natural law] (1747) and Principes du droit politi...

Boyer, Jean Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Boyer, Jean Pierre zhäN pyĕr bwäyāˈ [key], 1776–1850, president of Haiti (1818–43). A free mulatto, he fought under Toussaint Louverture and then joined André Rigaud, also a mulatto, in the ...

Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste

(Encyclopedia)Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste zhäN-bätēstˈ kärpōˈ [key], 1827–75, French sculptor and painter. He studied with François Rude and won the Prix de Rome. Carpeaux rose to fame with his Ugolino (1860...

Carrier, Jean Baptiste

(Encyclopedia)Carrier, Jean Baptiste zhäN bätēstˈ kärēāˈ [key], 1756–94, French Revolutionary. An extreme Jacobin, he demanded the establishment of a revolutionary tribunal, and, as a revolutionary repres...

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