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500 results found

Stas, Jean Servais

(Encyclopedia)Stas, Jean Servais zhäNˈ sĕrvāˈ stäs [key], 1813–91, Belgian chemist. He was assistant to J. B. A. Dumas and professor (1840–65) at the École royale militaire, Brussels. He is noted for his...

Tallien, Jean Lambert

(Encyclopedia)Tallien, Jean Lambert zhäN läNbĕrˈ tälyăNˈ [key], 1767–1820, French revolutionary. A law clerk and later a printer, he became known through his Jacobin journal, Ami des citoyens. A leader in ...

Talon, Jean Baptiste

(Encyclopedia)Talon, Jean Baptiste zhäN bätēstˈ tälôNˈ [key], 1625?–1694, intendant of New France, b. France. He entered French administrative service c.1653. In his short tenure (1665–68, 1670–72) as ...

Trichet, Jean-Claude

(Encyclopedia)Trichet, Jean-Claude zhäN-klōd trēˈshĕ [key], 1942–, French banker and government official, b. Lyons. During the 1970s Trichet held a number of French finance and treasury positions and in 1978...

Tirole, Jean Marcel

(Encyclopedia)Tirole, Jean Marcel, 1953–, French economist, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981. He was a professor of at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984–91) and École Polytechniq...

Béliveau, Jean Arthur

(Encyclopedia)Béliveau, Jean Arthur, 1931–2014, Canadian ice hockey player, b. Trois-Rivières, Québec. He joined the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League in 1953, playing for 18 seasons and becomin...

Basquiat, Jean-Michel

(Encyclopedia)Basquiat, Jean-Michel bäsˌkē-ätˈ [key], 1960–88, American painter, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. Born into a middle-class Haitian and Puerto Rican family, he was a 1980s art star whose rise and fall were r...

Sauvage, Jean-Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Sauvage, Jean-Pierre, 1944–, French chemist, Ph.D. Univ. of Strasbourg, 1971. He has spent his entire career as a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research and a professor at the Uni...

Say, Jean Baptiste

(Encyclopedia)Say, Jean Baptiste zhäN bätēstˈ sā [key], 1767–1832, French economist. In A Treatise on Political Economy (1803, tr. from the 4th ed. 1821) he effectively reorganized and popularized the theori...

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