Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Gérard, François Pascal Simon, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Gérard, François Pascal Simon, Baron zhārärˈ [key], 1770–1837, French portrait and historical painter, b. Rome. In Paris, after brief study under Pajou and others, he became a favorite pupil o...

Deschanel, Paul Eugéne Louis

(Encyclopedia)Deschanel, Paul Eugéne Louis dāshänĕlˈ [key], 1855–1922, president of the French republic (1920); son of Émile Deschanel. A member of the chamber of deputies from 1885 and several times its p...

Duchesne, Louis Marie Olivier

(Encyclopedia)Duchesne, Louis Marie Olivier lwē märēˈ ōlēvyāˈ düshĕnˈ [key], 1843–1922, French Roman Catholic ecclesiastic, educator, church historian, and archaeologist. He made a scientific expeditio...

Dumont, Pierre Étienne Louis

(Encyclopedia)Dumont, Pierre Étienne Louis pyĕr ātyĕnˈ lwē dümôNˈ [key], 1759–1829, Swiss jurist and political writer. Dumont knew Mirabeau well and wrote many of his speeches. His Souvenirs sur Mirabeau...

Couperus, Louis Marie Anne

(Encyclopedia)Couperus, Louis Marie Anne lwē märēˈ än ko͞opāˈro͝os [key], 1863–1923, Dutch novelist. In his early works he emphasized with graceful irony the determining forces of human history and envir...

Davies, Sir Louis Henry

(Encyclopedia)Davies, Sir Louis Henry dāˈvĭs [key], 1845–1924, Canadian jurist, b. Charlottetown, P.E.I. While a member of the provincial legislature (1872–79), he also served (1876–79) as prime minister o...

Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé

(Encyclopedia)Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé lwē zhäk mäNdāˈ dägârˈ [key], 1789–1851, French scene painter and physicist, inventor of the daguerreotype, a photograph produced on a silver-coated copper pla...

Faidherbe, Louis Léon César

(Encyclopedia)Faidherbe, Louis Léon César lwē lāôNˈ sāzärˈ fādĕrbˈ [key], 1818–89, French colonial administrator. He was a leading participant in the establishment of the French colonial empire in Afr...

Hérold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia)Hérold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand lwē zhôzĕfˈ fĕrdēnäNˈ ārôldˈ [key], 1791–1833, French composer. He composed a number of operas, two of which—Zampa (1831) and Le Pré aux clercs (1832)...

Fréron, Louis Marie Stanislas

(Encyclopedia)Fréron, Louis Marie Stanislas frārôNˈ [key], 1754–1802, French revolutionary; son of Élie Fréron. After the outbreak (1789) of the French Revolution, he founded a radical journal, Orateur du ...

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