Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Boris I

(Encyclopedia)Boris I, d. 907, khan [ruler] of Bulgaria (852–89). Baptized in 864, he introduced Christianity of the Byzantine rite among the Bulgarians. There followed a rivalry between Rome and Constantinople f...


(Encyclopedia)Corrientes kôryĕnˈtās [key], city, capital of Corrientes prov., NE Argentina, a port on the ...

Malibran, Maria Felicità

(Encyclopedia)Malibran, Maria Felicità märēˈä fālēsētäˈ mälēbräNˈ [key], 1808–36, French-Spanish contralto. Malibran was the daughter of the tenor Manuel García and the sister of the mezzo Pauline ...

Luchaire, Achille

(Encyclopedia)Luchaire, Achille äshēlˈ lüshĕrˈ [key], 1846–1908, French historian. He edited, in collaboration with Berthold Zeller, L'Histoire de France racontée par les contemporains (65 vol., 1880–90)...

Sagasti Hochausler, Francisco Rafael

(Encyclopedia)Sagasti Hochausler, Francisco Rafael, 1944–, Peruvian political leader. An industrial engineer by training, he has served as an adviser to Peruvian governments and as a government official, and has ...

Prados, Emilio

(Encyclopedia)Prados, Emilio āmēˈlyō präˈᵺōs [key], 1899–1962, Spanish poet, b. Málaga. After 1939 he lived in Mexico, and his post–civil war lyrics decry the anguish, death, and injustice of that uph...

Peixoto, Floriano

(Encyclopedia)Peixoto, Floriano flōrēäˈnō pāshōˈtō [key], 1842–95, Brazilian marshal and statesman, president of Brazil (1891–94). He took part in the establishment of the republic and was chosen vice ...


(Encyclopedia)Kastoría kästôrēˈə [key], city (1991 pop. 15,710), capital of Kastoría prefecture, N Greece, in Macedonia, on a peninsula extending into Lake Kastoría. It is a market for farm produce, and it ...

Pomponius Laetus, Julius

(Encyclopedia)Pomponius Laetus, Julius pŏmpōˈnēəs lēˈtəs [key], 1425–1498?, Italian humanist, also called Giulio Pomponio Leto. His knowledge of ancient Rome was immense and his works numerous; they inclu...


(Encyclopedia)Sinop sēnōpˈ [key], anc. Sinope, town (1990 pop. 25,537), capital of Sinop prov., N Turkey, on the Black Sea. A small port, it has an excellent harbor but lacks adequate communications with the int...

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