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(Encyclopedia)Reichsregiment rīkhsˈrāˌgēmĕntˈ [key] [Ger.,=government of the empire], imperial council created by the Diet of Augsburg in 1500. It was intended to form the executive branch of the government ...

Robert of Courtenay

(Encyclopedia)Robert of Courtenay kôrtˈnē, ko͝ortənāˈ [key], d. 1228, Latin emperor of Constantinople (1218–28). His father, Peter of Courtenay, was elected by the Latin nobles to succeed Henry of Flanders...


(Encyclopedia)Naruhito, 1960–, Japanese emperor (2019–), son of Akihito. He is the first Japanese emperor to have studied abroad, attending Oxford from 1983 to 1985. In 1991 he was officially invested as crown ...


(Encyclopedia)mosque mŏsk [key], building for worship used by members of the Islamic faith. Muhammad's house in Medina (a.d. 622), with its surrounding courtyard and hall with columns, became the prototype for the...

Constantine, Roman general

(Encyclopedia)Constantine, d. 411, Roman general. He was proclaimed emperor by the Roman troops in Britain in 407 and led a revolt in Gaul and Spain against the Western emperor Honorius. He conquered part of Gaul a...


(Encyclopedia)Anacreon ənăkˈrēən, –ŏn [key], c.570–c.485 b.c., Greek lyric poet, b. Teos in Ionia. He lived at Samos and at Athens, where his patron was Hipparchus. His poetry, graceful and elegant, celeb...

Corte Real, Gaspar

(Encyclopedia)Corte Real or Corte-Real, Gaspar gəshpärˈ kôrˈtə rĕälˈ [key], c.1450–1501?, Portuguese explorer. Sent by King Manuel I to search for the Northwest Passage, he is said to have discovered Gre...


(Encyclopedia)Manolete mänōlāˈtā [key], 1917–47, Spanish matador, b. Córdoba. Christened Manuel Rodríguez y Sánchez, he was the son and grandson of matadors, who both also had the nickname Manolete. In 19...

Sousa, Martim Afonso de

(Encyclopedia)Sousa, Martim Afonso de mərtēmˈ əfônˈzō dĭ sōˈzə [key], 1500?–1564, Portuguese colonial administrator. A military man, he was commissioned in 1530 to drive the French corsairs from the Br...

Cazeneuve, Bernard

(Encyclopedia)Cazeneuve, Bernard, 1963–, French politician, b. Senlis. A lawyer and member of the Socialist party, he served in the National Assembly (1997–2002, 2007–2012) and was mayor of Cherbourg-Octevill...

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