Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst

(Encyclopedia)Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst, 1802–66, American mental healer, b. Lebanon, N.H. He became interested in mesmerism and gave exhibitions of that art in New England and New Brunswick. He then turned to me...

Zangwill, Israel

(Encyclopedia)Zangwill, Israel, 1864–1926, English author, b. London. He became a journalist and founded Ariel, a humorous paper. Zangwill wrote Children of the Ghetto (1892), later dramatized and performed in En...

Bernadette, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Bernadette, Saint bûrnədĕtˈ [key], 1844–79, French peasant girl who reported seeing the Virgin Mary in apparitions at a grotto near Lourdes, her home, in 1858. She was born Marie Bernarde Soubir...

Stoss, Veit

(Encyclopedia)Stoss, Veit fīt shtôs [key], c.1445–1533, German sculptor. He worked in Kraków (1477–86, 1488–96) and Nuremberg, his birthplace. The great carved wooden high altar in St. Mary's, Kraków, is ...

Northumberland, John Dudley, duke of

(Encyclopedia)Northumberland, John Dudley, duke of, 1502?–1553, English statesman. The son of Edmund Dudley, minister of Henry VII, John was restored to his inheritance in 1512 after his father's attainder and ex...


(Encyclopedia)Aksum or Axum both: äkso͞omˈ [key], town , Tigray region, N Ethiopia. Aksum was the capital of an empire (c.1st–8th cent. a.d.) that controlled much of what is now N ...


(Encyclopedia)Altötting ält-öttĭng [key], town, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, S Germany, near the Inn River and the Austrian border, 42 mi (68 km) SW of Passau. The town is a Roman Cathol...

Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco

(Encyclopedia)Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco fĕnəlōˈsə [key], 1853–1908, American Orientalist, educator, and poet, b. Salem, Mass., grad. Harvard, 1874. A pioneer in the study of Asian art, he lived much of his...


(Encyclopedia)Helsingborg or Hälsingborg both: hĕlsĭngbôrˈyə [key], city, Malmöhus co., S Sweden...

Heywood, John

(Encyclopedia)Heywood, John hāˈwo͝od [key], 1497?–1580?, English dramatist. He was employed at the courts of Henry VIII and Mary I as a singer, musician, and playwright. At the accession of Elizabeth I in 1564...

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