Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Bethphage bĕthfāˈjē, –fāj [key], in the New Testament, unidentified place, near Jerusalem, traditionally between Bethany and the Mount of Olives. ...


(Encyclopedia)Prochorus prŏkˈərəs [key], in the New Testament, one of the seven deacons. According to tradition he became bishop of Nicomedia. ...


(Encyclopedia)Parmenas pärˈmĕnəs [key], in the New Testament, one of the seven deacons. He is said to have died a martyr at Philippi. ...


(Encyclopedia)Malchus mălˈkəs [key], in the New Testament, servant of the high priest; Jesus healed him after Peter cut off his ear. ...


(Encyclopedia)Phenice fēnīˈsē [key], in the New Testament. 1 Same as Phoenicia. 2 Harbor, SW Crete. It was also called Phoenix. ...


(Encyclopedia)Tubal-cain to͞oˈbəl-kān [key], in the New Testament, son of Lamech. He first worked brass and iron. ...


(Encyclopedia)Agabus ăgˈəbəs [key], in the New Testament, prophet who foretold the famine in the time of Claudius Caesar and the imprisonment of Paul. ...


(Encyclopedia)Paraclete pârˈəklēt [key], in the New Testament, title of the Holy Spirit, often translated as “Comforter” or “Advocate.” In First John, Jesus himself is the “Paraclete.” ...


(Encyclopedia)Erastus ĭrăsˈtəs [key], in the New Testament. 1 Companion of Paul. 2 Early Christian, probably the same as 1. 3 Chamberlain of Corinth. ...


(Encyclopedia)mammon mămˈən [key], Aramaic term, meaning worldly riches, retained in the New Testament Greek. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon” is one of the most noted biblical strictures. ...

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