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(Encyclopedia)Cleopas klēˈōpəs [key], in the New Testament, one of the two who met the risen Jesus on the way to Emmaus. Perhaps the same as Cleophas. ...


(Encyclopedia)Gennesaret gĕnĕsˈərĕt [key]. 1 See Galilee, Sea of. 2 Fertile plain, NW of the Sea of Galilee. It is mentioned in the New Testament. ...


(Encyclopedia)Nazarene năzˈərēn [key], term used of the early Christians. Jesus was sometimes referred to as a Nazarene, alluding to his home town, Nazareth. This usage occurs several times in the New Testament...


(Encyclopedia)Arimathaea ărˌĭməthēˈə [key], in the New Testament, home of St. Joseph of Arimathea, not otherwise known. It may be the same as Ramathaim-zophim. ...

Golden Rule

(Encyclopedia)Golden Rule, in the New Testament, saying of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew he says, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.” The Gospe...

Nicodemus, Gospel of

(Encyclopedia)Nicodemus, Gospel of, book composed of the Acts of Pilate and Christ's Descent into Hell, part of the loosely defined New Testament Apocrypha. The Acts of Pilate is an amplified account of the trial, ...


(Encyclopedia)Cenchrea –krē-ēˌ [key], port of ancient Greece, on the Saronic Gulf, ESE of Corinth. It is mentioned in the New Testament. ...


(Encyclopedia)Sosipater sōsĭpˈətər [key], in the New Testament, Christian at Corinth. Rom. 16.21. He is probably the same as Sopater. ...


(Encyclopedia)Sosthenes sŏsˈthənēz [key]. 1 In the New Testament, prominent Jew at Corinth, beaten by the crowd when Gallio refused to try Paul for heresy. Acts 18.17. 2 Early Christian. 1 Cor. 1.1. ...


(Encyclopedia)Sopater sŏpˈətər [key], in the New Testament, companion of St. Paul. Acts 20.4. He is possibly the same as Sosipater. ...

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