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(Encyclopedia)Rutherglen rŭᵺˈərglĕn [key], town (1991 pop. 24,900), South Lanarkshire, S central Scotland, on the Clyde River. Manufactures include chemicals, paper, textiles, and metal products. Rutherglen b...


(Encyclopedia)Manichaeism mănĭkēˈənĭzəm [key], religion founded by Mani (c.216–c.276). Several Christian emperors, including Justinian, published edicts against the Manichees. St. Augustine, in his yout...


(Encyclopedia)anathema ənăˈthĭmə [key] [Gr.,=something set up; dedicated to a divinity as a votive offering], term that came to denote something devoted to a divinity for destruction. In the Bible, the term is...


(Encyclopedia)Gadara gădˈərə [key], ancient city of the Decapolis, the modern Umm Qays (Jordan), SE of the Sea of Galilee. Extensive ruins mark the site. This Gadara must be distinguished from Gadara, the capit...

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?

(Encyclopedia)Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? ēˈloi; āˈloi [key] [Eli, Eloi: Heb. or Aramaic,=Lord; lama sabachthani?: Aramaic,=why hast thou forsaken me?], in the New Testament, words of Jesus on the cross. The Gr...

Lacombe, Albert

(Encyclopedia)Lacombe, Albert älbĕrˈ läkôNbˈ [key], 1827–1916, French Canadian Roman Catholic missionary. He studied at Assomption College in Quebec prov. before he joined the Oblate order and was ordained ...


(Encyclopedia)Lazarus lăzˈərəs [key] [Gr.,=Heb., Eleazar], in the New Testament. 1 Brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany who, after four days in the tomb, was brought back to life by Jesus. 2 Beggar in the para...

Baur, Ferdinand Christian

(Encyclopedia)Baur, Ferdinand Christian fĕrˈdĭnänt krĭsˈtēän bour [key], 1792–1860, German Protestant theologian. He was from 1826 on the theological faculty of Tübingen. He became convinced of Hegel's p...


(Encyclopedia)Sabaoth săbˈāŏth, –ōth, sābāˈəth [key], Hebrew term used in the New Testament (Rom. 9.29; James 5.4) and in Christian hymns (e.g., Sanctus and Te Deum) in the title of God, translated in th...

Tyndale, William

(Encyclopedia)Tyndale, Tindal, or Tindale, William all: tĭnˈdəl [key], c.1494–1536, English biblical translator (see Bible) and Protestant martyr. He was probably ordained shortly before entering (c.1521) the ...

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