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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Dalmanutha dălmənyo͞oˈthə [key], in the New Testament, a place, probably on the W shore of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus came apparently to be tempted by the Pharisees. In a parallel passage it...

Philip, Saint, one of the Twelve Apostles

(Encyclopedia)Philip, Saint, one of the Twelve Apostles. Like Peter and Andrew, he came from Bethsaida in Galilee. He is mentioned several times in the New Testament (Mat. 10.3; John 1.43–51; 6.5,7; 12.21,22; 14....

Tóibín, Colm

(Encyclopedia)Tóibín, Colm, 1955–, Irish writer, b. Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, grad. University College, Dublin (1975). A prolific and varied author who prose is lucid and often brilliant, Tóibín has written n...

Lord's Prayer

(Encyclopedia)Lord's Prayer or Our Father, the principal Christian prayer that Jesus in the New Testament (Mat. 6.9–13; Luke 11.2–4) taught his followers, beginning, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your na...

Mary, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Mary, in the New Testament. 1 Mary, the Virgin. 2 Mary Magdalene. 3 Wife of Cleophas. 4 Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Martha. She sat at Jesus' feet while Martha served. She has come to symbo...

Karadžić, Vuk Stefanović

(Encyclopedia)Karadžić, Vuk Stefanović käˈräjĭch [key], 1787–1864, Serbian philologist and folklorist, of Moldavian descent. During his lifetime Karadžić published 10 volumes of Serbian folk poetry. He ...


(Encyclopedia)Gamaliel gəmāˈlēəl [key]. 1 In the Bible, Manassite chief. 2 In the New Testament, president of the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem; teacher of St. Paul. He was also known as Gamaliel I, or Gamaliel the E...

Churches of Christ

(Encyclopedia)Churches of Christ, conservative body of evangelical Protestants in the United States. Its founders were originally members of what is now the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who gradually with...

Patchen, Kenneth

(Encyclopedia)Patchen, Kenneth, 1911–72, American poet and novelist, b. Niles, Ohio. His writings, characterized by complete freedom of form, embrace genres as diverse as satire, fantasy, and metaphysical love po...

Koestler, Arthur

(Encyclopedia)Koestler, Arthur kĕstˈlər [key], 1905–83, English writer, b. Budapest of Hungarian parents. Koestler spent his early years in Vienna and Palestine. He was an influential Communist journalist in B...

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