Columbia Encyclopedia

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Adams, Franklin Pierce

(Encyclopedia)Adams, Franklin Pierce, pseud. F. P. A., 1881–1960, American columnist and author, b. Chicago. He began (1903) work as a columnist on the Chicago Journal and continued it on the New York Evening Mai...


(Encyclopedia)Assir ăsˈĭr [key], in the Bible. 1 Son of Korah. 2 Ancestor of Samuel. 3 Son of Jeconiah the Captive. ...

Jashar, Book of

(Encyclopedia)Jashar or Jasher, Book of both: jăshˈər [key], lost Hebrew work, apparently a collection of songs celebrating national events. Fragments appear in the books of Joshua and Second Samuel. ...

Hampton University

(Encyclopedia)Hampton University, at Hampton, Va.; coeducational; founded 1868, chartered 1870 as a normal and agricultural school; known as Hampton Institute 1930–84. Founded by Samuel Chapman Armstrong, it was ...


(Encyclopedia)Abiah əbīˈə [key], in the Bible, variant of Abijah. 1 Wife of Hezron. 2 Second son of Samuel. ...


(Encyclopedia)Elkanah ĕlˈkānə, ĕlkāˈnə [key], in the Bible. 1 Husband of Hannah and father of Samuel. 2 Head of a Levitical family. 3 Officer of Ahaz's household. 4 Doorkeeper of the Ark of the Covenant. ...


(Encyclopedia)Agag āˈgăg [key], in the Bible. 1 King of the Amalekites who was defeated and spared by Saul, but killed by Samuel. 2 The allusion is not understood as it occurs in the Book of Numbers. ...

Hamilton College

(Encyclopedia)Hamilton College, at Clinton, N.Y.; coeducational; founded 1793 by Samuel Kirkland as Hamilton-Oneida Academy, chartered 1812 as Hamilton College. It was named for Alexander Hamilton. Originally a men...

Dustin, Hannah

(Encyclopedia)Dustin, Hannah, b. 1657, d. after 1729, Colonial New England heroine. She was captured (1697) in a Native American raid on Haverhill, Mass., and taken up the Merrimack River to a place near modern Con...


(Encyclopedia)Eben-ezer ĕbˈən-ēˈzər [key] [Heb.,=stone of help], in the Bible. 1 Stone set up (near Shen) by Samuel to commemorate the victory over the Philistines. 2 Site of the battle where the Philistines ...

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