Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Boswell, James

(Encyclopedia)Boswell, James, 1740–95, Scottish author, b. Edinburgh; son of a distinguished judge. At his father's insistence the young Boswell reluctantly studied law. Admitted to the bar in 1766, he practiced ...

Clive, Kitty

(Encyclopedia)Clive, Kitty (Catherine Raftor), 1711–85, English singer and actress. She made her debut (c.1728) at Drury Lane under the management of Colley Cibber and worked for many years with David Garrick, wi...

Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston

(Encyclopedia)Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston, 1853–1937, English actor-manager. He was trained by Samuel Phelps, made his first appearance in 1874, and thereafter performed with the Bancrofts (1878), John Hare, a...

Ney, Elisabeth

(Encyclopedia)Ney, Elisabeth or Elisabet nī [key], 1833–1907, German-American sculptor, b. Münster. After studying sculpture at Munich and Berlin, she traveled widely and executed busts of King George V of Hano...

Macdonald, Flora

(Encyclopedia)Macdonald, Flora, 1722–90, Scottish Jacobite heroine. She aided Charles Edward Stuart, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, to escape to France after the defeat of the Jacobites at Culloden Moor in 1746....

Brus, Louis

(Encyclopedia)Louis Brus, 1943– , b. Cleveland, Ohio, American chemist, studied at Rice University (B.S., 1965) and Columbia University (Ph.D., 1969). He is Samuel ...

Roth v. United States

(Encyclopedia)Roth v. United States, case decided in 1957 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Samuel Roth of New York City was convicted of mailing obscene materials. On appeal his conviction was affirmed by the Supreme Cou...

Dawes, William

(Encyclopedia)Dawes, William, 1745–99, figure in the American Revolution, b. Boston, Mass. On the night of Apr. 18, 1775, Dawes rode from Boston, via Brighton Bridge, to Lexington, warning the countryside of the ...

Green, Bartholomew

(Encyclopedia)Green, Bartholomew, 1666–1732, early American printer, b. Cambridge, Mass.; the son of Samuel Green. He inherited his father's press in Cambridge in 1692 and moved it to Boston. He had the patronage...

McAllister, Ward

(Encyclopedia)McAllister, Ward (Samuel Ward McAllister), 1827–95, American society leader, b. Savannah, Ga. He was a wealthy San Francisco lawyer, who moved (1852) to New York City and married (1853) a millionair...

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