Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Glass, Philip

(Encyclopedia)Glass, Philip, 1937–, American composer, b. Baltimore. Considered one of the most innovative of contemporary composers, he was a significant figure in the development of minimalism in music. Glass a...

Deller, Alfred

(Encyclopedia)Deller, Alfred, 1912–79, English countertenor. He began his career as a chorister in his parish church. From 1940–47 he was a lay clerk at Canterbury Cathedral, and in 1947 he was appointed to the...

Huneker, James Gibbons

(Encyclopedia)Huneker, James Gibbons hŭnˈĭkər [key], 1860–1921, American essayist and music critic, b. Philadelphia. The originality and pungency of his style and the soundness of his criticism made him one o...

Segovia, Andrés

(Encyclopedia)Segovia, Andrés ändrāsˈ sāgōˈvyä [key], 1893–1987, Spanish guitarist. Segovia studied at the Granada Musical Institute. He is famous for his transcriptions of early contrapuntal music, which...

Lebrun, Albert

(Encyclopedia)Lebrun, Albert älbĕrˈ ləbröNˈ [key], 1871–1950, French statesman, last president of the Third Republic. Elected to the chamber of deputies in 1900, he later became a senator and held various c...

Archimedes' screw

(Encyclopedia)Archimedes' screw, a simple mechanical device believed to have been invented by Archimedes in the 3d cent. b.c. It consists of a cylinder inside of which a continuous screw, extending the length of th...

trade association

(Encyclopedia)trade association, group of business people in the same trade or industry organized for the advancement of common interests. The trade association differs from the chamber of commerce in that membersh...

Sans Souci

(Encyclopedia)Sans Souci säN so͞osēˈ [key] [Fr.,=without care], palace built (1745–47) at Potsdam, Germany, by Frederick II, who lived there for 40 years. Over 300 ft (91 m) long, it is believed to have been ...

Caldera Rodríguez, Rafael Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Caldera Rodríguez, Rafael Antonio räfäĕlˈ käldāˈrä rôᵺrēˈgās [key], 1916–2009, president of Venezuela (1969–74, 1994–99). A lawyer and professor of sociology, he was first elected...


(Encyclopedia)thermometer, instrument for measuring temperature. Galileo and Sanctorius devised thermometers consisting essentially of a bulb with a tubular projection, the open end of which was immersed in a liqui...

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