Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Aram, Eugene

(Encyclopedia)Aram, Eugene āˈrəm [key], 1704–59, English philologist, b. Yorkshire. A self-taught linguist, Aram was the first to identify the Celtic languages as related to the other languages of Europe. In 1...

West, Jessamyn

(Encyclopedia)West, Jessamyn, 1907–84, American novelist, b. Indiana. A Quaker herself, her most famous novel is The Friendly Persuasion (1945), about the conflicts felt by a Quaker farm family during the Civil W...

Zeyer, Julius

(Encyclopedia)Zeyer, Julius yo͝oˈlĭo͝os zāˈĕr, tsīˈər [key], 1841–1901, Czech writer. Restless, nostalgic, and mystical, Zeyer wrote ornate, almost decadent epic poetry based on ancient and medieval leg...

Trelawny, Edward John

(Encyclopedia)Trelawny, Edward John, 1792–1881, English adventurer. A friend of Byron and Shelley, he was at Livorno when Shelley was drowned, and later served with Byron in the Greek War of Independence. He wrot...

Tomlinson, Henry Major

(Encyclopedia)Tomlinson, Henry Major, 1873–1958, English novelist. A dockworker, then a journalist and war correspondent, he was (1917–23) literary editor of the Nation and Athenaeum. Probably his best-known no...

Schnabel, Johann Gottfried

(Encyclopedia)Schnabel, Johann Gottfried shnäˈbəl [key], b. 1692, d. after 1742, German author, whose pseudonym was Gisander. He fought in the War of the Spanish Succession. Schnabel's popular novel Die Insel F...

Vian, Boris

(Encyclopedia)Vian, Boris bôrēsˈ vyäN [key], 1920–59, French novelist. He patterned his literary style on that of terse American crime fiction. His best-known work is J'irai cracher sur vos tombes [I will spi...


(Encyclopedia)Alain-Fournier älăN-fo͞ornyāˈ [key], 1886–1914, French novelist, whose real name was Henri Alban Fournier. He was killed in action during World War I. His single full-length work is his poetic ...


(Encyclopedia)Exmoor, high moorland of the Cornwall peninsula, SW England, comprising much of Exmoor National Park (265 sq mi/686 sq km; est. 1954). Underlaid by slate and sandstone, the rugged region with wooded g...

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