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(Encyclopedia) malachitemalachitemălˈəkīt [key], a mineral, the green basic carbonate of copper occurring in crystals of the monoclinic system or (more usually) in masses. It is translucent or opaque…


(Encyclopedia) KigaliKigalikēgäˈlē [key], city (1997 pop. 330,000), central Rwanda, capital of Rwanda. It is the country's main administrative and economic center. The city has an international…


(Encyclopedia) galenagalenagəlēˈnə [key] or lead glance, lustrous, blue-gray mineral crystallizing usually in cubes, sometimes in octahedrons. It is the most important ore and the principal source of…


(Encyclopedia) Elbasan Elbasan ĕlbäsänˈ [key] or Elbasani Elbasan…


(Encyclopedia) RancaguaRancaguarängkäˈgwä, –käˈwä [key], city (1990 est. pop. 190,400), capital of Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins region, central Chile, in a fertile valley among the Andean…


(Encyclopedia) ZeravshanZeravshanzyĕrəfshänˈ [key], river, c.460 mi (740 km) long, rising in the Turkistan Range of the Pamir-Alai mountain system, in Tajikistan. It flows westward through the…


(Encyclopedia) Duluth Duluth dəl&oomacr;thˈ [key], city (2020 pop. 86,697), seat of St. Louis co., NE Minn., at…


(Encyclopedia) MontluçonMontluçonmôNlüsôNˈ [key], town (1990 pop. 46,660), Allier dept., central France, on the Cher River. Industry developed in the 19th cent. because of nearby coal fields in…


(Encyclopedia) HarzHarzhärts [key], mountain range, northern Germany, extending c.60 mi (100 km) between the Elbe and Leine rivers. The rugged mountains were once densely forested. They culminate in…

Heinze, Frederick Augustus

(Encyclopedia) Heinze, Frederick AugustusHeinze, Frederick Augustushīnˈzē [key], 1869–1914, American copper magnate, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. He went in 1889 to Butte, Mont., as engineer for a mining…