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(Encyclopedia) IquiqueIquiqueēkēˈkā [key], city (1990 est. pop. 148,500), capital of Iquique prov., N Chile. A port on the Pacific, it exports nitrates and ore from the Atacama Desert. The city,…


(Encyclopedia) azuriteazuriteăzhˈərīt [key], blue mineral, the basic carbonate of copper, occurring in monoclinic crystals or masses that range from transparent to translucent and opaque. It is…

Bayer process

(Encyclopedia) Bayer process, procedure for obtaining alumina from the aluminum ore bauxite. The alumina can then be used for various industrial purposes or smelted to provide aluminum. The first…


(Encyclopedia) stibnitestibnitestĭbˈnīt [key], antimony sulfide, Sb2S3, a mineral, silvery gray in color, with a metallic luster. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. Found in many parts of…

copper, chemical element

(Encyclopedia) copper, metallic chemical element; symbol Cu [Lat. cuprum=copper]; at. no. 29; at. wt. 63.546; m.p. 1,083.4℃; b.p. 2,567℃; sp. gr. 8.96 at 20℃; valence +1 or +2. Copper and some of its…

Mond, Ludwig

(Encyclopedia) Mond, Ludwig, 1839–1909, chemist; father of Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron Melchett. He was born in Germany and became a naturalized British subject. Mond experimented with alkalies and…

Durango, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Durango Durango d&oomacr;rängˈgō [key] or Victoria de Durango Victoria…


(Encyclopedia) Youngstown, city (1990 pop. 95,732), seat of Mahoning co., NE Ohio, near the Pa. line; founded 1797, inc. 1849. It was formerly a major U.S. iron and steel center. In the 1970s many of…

Frobisher, Sir Martin

(Encyclopedia) Frobisher, Sir MartinFrobisher, Sir Martinfrōˈbĭshər [key], 1535?–1594, English mariner. He went to sea as a boy, and spent much of his youth in the African trade. He later gained the…

Best Vacation in U.S. Cities

During the summer of 2012, posted an online survey asking Americans what they like—and don't like—about 35 large American cities and used the…