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Buryat Republic

(Encyclopedia) Buryat Republic Buryat Republic b&oobreve;ryätˈ [key] or Buryatia…

Wu, Chien-Shiung

(Encyclopedia) Wu, Chien-ShiungWu, Chien-Shiungchyĕnˈ-shy&oobreve;ngˈ w&oomacr; [key], 1912–97, Chinese-American physicist. She emigrated to the United States from China in 1936 and received…

Balkan Peninsula

(Encyclopedia) Balkan Peninsula, southeasternmost peninsula of Europe, c.200,000 sq mi (518,000 sq km), bounded by the Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea, and…

mercury, chemical element

(Encyclopedia) mercury or quicksilver [from the Roman god Mercury], metallic chemical element; symbol Hg [Lat. hydrargyrum=liquid silver]; at. no. 80; at. wt. 200.59; m.p. −38.842℃; b.p. 356.58℃; sp…

solid waste

(Encyclopedia) solid waste, discarded materials other than fluids. In the United States in 1996, nearly 210 million tons—about 4.3 lb. (2 kg) per person daily (up from 2.7 lb./1.2 kg in 1960)—were…

Dover, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Dover. 1 City (2020 pop. 39,403), state capital, and seat of Kent co., central Del., on the St. Jones River; founded 1683 on orders of…


(Encyclopedia) germaniumgermaniumjərmāˈnēəm [key] [from Germany], semimetallic chemical element; symbol Ge; at. no. 32; at. wt. 72.63; m.p. 937.4℃; b.p. 2,830℃; sp. gr. 5.323 at 25℃; valence +2 or +4…


(Encyclopedia) Gansu or Kansu Gansu both: gänˈs&oomacr;ˈ [key], province, 141,000 sq mi (365,284 sq km), NW China…


(Encyclopedia) KerchKerchkyĕrch [key], city (1989 pop. 174,000), E Crimea. It lies on the Kerch Strait of the Black Sea and at the eastern end of the Kerch Peninsula, a strip of land between the Sea…

Toledo , city, United States

(Encyclopedia) ToledoToledotəlēˈdō [key], city (1990 pop. 332,943), seat of Lucas co., NW Ohio, on the Maumee River at its junction with Lake Erie; inc. 1837. With a natural harbor and its railroads…