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America’s Most Literate Cities, 2007

This study attempts to capture one critical index of our nation’s social health—the literacy of its major cities (population of 250,000 and above). The study focuses on six…


(Encyclopedia) Hunan Hunan h&oomacr;ˈnänˈ [key] [south of the lake], province, c.80,000 sq mi (207,254 sq km), S…


(Encyclopedia) Hainan Hainan hīˈnänˈ [key], island and province, c.13,100 sq mi (33,940 sq km), China, in the…

South Australia

(Encyclopedia) South Australia, state (2016 pop. 1,676,653), 380,070 sq mi (984,381 sq km), S central Australia. It is bounded on the S by the Indian Ocean. Kangaroo Island and many smaller islands…

Saint Lawrence Seaway

(Encyclopedia) Saint Lawrence Seaway, international waterway, 2,342 mi (3,769 km) long, consisting of a system of canals, dams, and locks in the St. Lawrence River and connecting channels between the…

The Governors of the Fifty States

  Below is a list of the governors from all fifty states as well as the dates of their terms. State Governor Current term1 Ala. Robert Bentley (R) 2011–2015 Alaska Sean…


(Encyclopedia) Algiers Algiers ăljērzˈ [key], Arab. Al-Jaza'Ir, Fr. Alger Algiers älzhāˈ [key], city (2021 pop. 2,809,158), capital of Algeria, N Algeria, on…


(Encyclopedia) Fujian Fujian f&oomacr;ˈjēĕnˈ [key] or Fukien Fujian…


(Encyclopedia) LaplandLaplandlăpˈlăndˌ [key], Finn. Lappi, Nor. Lapland, Swed. Lappland, vast region of N Europe, largely within the Arctic Circle. It includes the Norwegian provinces of Finnmark and…

Superior, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Superior, Lake, largest freshwater lake in the world, 31,820 sq mi (82,414 sq km), 350 mi (563 km) long and 160 mi (257 km) at its greatest width, bordered on the W by NE Minnesota, on…