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Society, Culture, and Scholarship

Society, Culture, and Scholarship Confucius Biographies by CategoryArts and Entertainment Business, Philanthropy, and Labor Politics and Government Science and…

Selected Biographies: G

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies…

Cuala Press

(Encyclopedia) Cuala PressCuala Pressk&oomacr;ˈlä [key], private printing press founded in Dundrum, Ireland, in 1902 by Elizabeth and Lily Yeats, the sisters of William Butler Yeats. Called the…

Benedict XI

(Encyclopedia) Benedict XI, d. 1304, pope (1303–4), an Italian (b. Treviso) named Niccolo Boccasini; successor of Boniface VIII. Prior to his election he had been master general of the Dominican…

Millennial Markers

Millennial MarkersVoices and visions of the next millenniumby Ricco Villanueva Siasoco Millennium Central…

Gasparri, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Gasparri, PietroGasparri, Pietropyĕˈtrō gäspärˈrē [key], 1852–1934, Italian churchman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He taught canon law at the Catholic Institute in Paris (…


(Encyclopedia) infallibilityinfallibilityĭnfălˌəbĭlˈətē [key], in Christian thought, exemption from the possibility of error, bestowed on the church as a teaching authority, as a gift of the Holy…

William the Lion

(Encyclopedia) William the Lion, 1143–1214, king of Scotland (1165–1214), brother and successor of Malcolm IV. Determined to recover Northumbria (lost to England in 1157), he supported the rebellion…

Celestine V, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Celestine V, Saint, 1215–96, pope (elected July 5, resigned Dec. 13, 1294), an Italian (b. Isernia) named Pietro del Murrone; successor of Nicholas IV. Celestine's election ended a two…

Hiram Robert FOWLER, Congress, IL (1851-1926)

FOWLER, Hiram Robert, a Representative from Illinois; born near Eddyville, Pope County, Ill., February 7, 1851; attended the public schools of his native city, and was graduated from the…