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Frank Marion EDDY, Congress, MN (1856-1929)

EDDY, Frank Marion, a Representative from Minnesota; born in Pleasant Grove, Olmsted County, Minn., April 1, 1856; with his parents moved to Iowa in 1860, returned in 1863 to Olmsted County,…

Kenneth James GRAY, Congress, IL (1924)

GRAY, Kenneth James, a Representative from Illinois; born in West Frankfort, Franklin County, Ill., November 14, 1924; attended the West Frankfort and Pope County elementary schools and…

2005 Month-By-Month

January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005…


(Encyclopedia) Egham Egham ĕgˈəm [key], city, Surrey, SE England. Light engineering and gravel working are…


(Encyclopedia) palliumpalliumpălˈēəm [key], vestment proper to the pope, who confers it on archbishops in token of their union with and obedience to him. It is a band of cloth worn around the neck…

Celestine I, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Celestine I, SaintCelestine I, Saintsĕlˈəstĭn [key], d. 432, pope (422–32), an Italian; successor of St. Boniface I. The opposition of St. Cyril of Alexandria to Nestorianism inspired…


(Encyclopedia) PandulfPandulfpănˈdŭlfˌ [key], Ital. Pandolfo, d. 1226, Italian churchman. He was first sent to England in 1211 by Pope Innocent III on an unsuccessful mission to settle the pope's…

Armenian literature

(Encyclopedia) Armenian literature. The Armenian Church fostered literature, and the principal early works are religious or hagiographical, most of them translations. The first major Armenian…


(Encyclopedia) GallicanismGallicanismgălˈĭkənĭzˌəm [key], in French Roman Catholicism, tradition of resistance to papal authority. It was in opposition to ultramontanism, the view that accorded the…