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Displaying 361 - 370

Sylvester I, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Sylvester I, Saint, pope (314–35), a Roman; successor of St. Miltiades (St. Melchiades). He was pope under the reign of Emperor Constantine I, who built for him the Lateran and other…

San Juan, pueblo, United States

(Encyclopedia) San Juan, pueblo (1990 pop. 1,821), Rio Arriba co., N N.Mex., on the Rio Grande; settled 1598 by Juan de Oñate. A Franciscan mission was later established. It was the home of Popé, the…

Smith, George Pearson

(Encyclopedia) Smith, George Pearson, 1941–, American biologist, b. Norwalk, Ct., Ph.D. Harvard, 1970. Smith has been a professor at the Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, since 1975 (emeritus since 2015…

Green Berry RAUM, Congress, IL (1829-1909)

RAUM, Green Berry, a Representative from Illinois; born in Golconda, Pope County, Ill., December 3, 1829; attended the common schools; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1853 and…

Joseph Wales CLIFT, Congress, GA (1837-1908)

CLIFT, Joseph Wales, a Representative from Georgia; born in North Marshfield, Plymouth County, Mass., September 30, 1837; attended the common schools and Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H…

1981 World History

Sandra Day O'Connor (1930– ) U.S. Supreme Court   1981 Ronald Reagan takes oath as 40th president (Jan. 20). U.S.-Iran agreement frees 52 hostages held in Tehran since 1979 (Jan. 20);…

Smallest European Country

The Question: What is the smallest European country, defined by land mass? The Answer: At .17 square miles, Vatican City (an…

Lateran Council, Third

(Encyclopedia) Lateran Council, Third, 1179, 11th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church. It was convened at the Lateran Palace, Rome, by Pope Alexander III after the Peace of Venice (1178)…

Tawadros II

(Encyclopedia) Tawadros II, 1963–, pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church (see Copts), 2012–; successor of Shenouda III. Born Wagih Sobhy Baky Soliman, he studied pharmacy at Alexandria Univ. (grad. 1975…