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Selected Biographies: L

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies by Category Arts and…

Iraq War Timeline, 2007

by Beth Rowen 1920s–1999 • 2002 • 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007• 2008 • 2009 Next: 2008 Jan. 4, 2007 Lt. Gen.…

El Paso, Tex.

Mayor: Oscar Leeser (to 2017)2010 census population (rank): 649,121 (19); Male: 311,280 (48.0%); Female: 337,841 (52.0%); White: 524,764 (80.8%); Black: 22,006 (3.4%); American Indian and Alaska…

Major League Baseball 2001 | Preview

2001 Major League Baseball PreviewWill the Yankees win their fourth consecutive World Series title in 2001? by Michael Morrison Texas Rangers' Alex Rodriguez watches the flight of a three-…

HIV/AIDS: Where Did HIV Come From?

Where Did HIV Come From?HIV/AIDSIntroductionThe Birth of a DiseaseFrom Epidemic to PandemicWhere Did HIV Come From?Diagnosis & Anti-HIV TherapyVaccination & Natural ResistanceLessons Learned…

Spielberg, Steven

(Encyclopedia) Spielberg, Steven, 1946–, American film director, b. Cincinnati, Ohio. Spielberg began his career as a television director, admired for his understanding portrayal of human character.…

Selected Biographies: O

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies…