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Skyscraper History

A race to the top by Karen Barss The Chrysler Building, in New York City, once the tallest building in the world Skyscrapers & Buildings Skyscraper Facts Tallest Building…

Census History and 20th-Century Firsts

Census History and 20th-Century FirstsThe census has grown with the country by David Johnson Send this Page to a Friend! This article was posted on October 1, 2000.The census has come a…

British Columbia

(Encyclopedia) CE5 British Columbia, province, 366,255 sq mi (948,600 sq km), including 6,976 sq mi (18,068 sq km) of water surface, W Canada.…


(Encyclopedia) gang, group of people organized for a common purpose, often criminal. Gangs of criminals were long known on the American frontier and also flourished in urban settings. Notorious were…

Missouri Compromise

(Encyclopedia) Missouri Compromise, 1820–21, measures passed by the U.S. Congress to end the first of a series of crises concerning the extension of slavery. By 1818, Missouri Territory had gained…


(Encyclopedia) BombayBombaybŏmbāˈ [key], former state, W central India, on the Arabian Sea. The state contained within its borders the former Portuguese colonies of Goa and Daman and Diu. Historical…

Berlin, Congress of

(Encyclopedia) Berlin, Congress of, 1878, called by the signers of the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (see Paris, Congress of) to reconsider the terms of the Treaty of San Stefano, which Russia had forced…

State Department Notes on Mexico

U.S. Department of State Background Note   The Aztec Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, December 23, 1999. [© AP Images]         PROFILE OFFICIAL NAME: United Mexican States…

earth, in geology and astronomy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Cross section of the earth, showing its shells B. Detailed cross section of the crust and upper mantle: The lithosphere consists of the hard rock in the crust and upper…