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Displaying 351 - 360

Hadrian, Roman emperor

(Encyclopedia) HadrianHadrianhāˈdrēən [key], a.d. 76–138, Roman emperor (117–138), b. Spain. His name in full was Publius Aelius Hadrianus. An orphan, he became the ward of Trajan. Hadrian…

James, Cyril Lionel Robert

(Encyclopedia) James, C. L. R., 1901–1989, Trinidadian historian, journalist, and communist activist, b. Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago. A social…

megalithic monument

(Encyclopedia) megalithic monumentmegalithic monumentmĕgəlĭthˈĭk [key] [Gr.,=large stone], in archaeology, a construction involving one or several roughly hewn stone slabs of great size; it is…


(Encyclopedia) miragemiragemĭräzhˈ [key], atmospheric optical illusion in which an observer sees in the distance a nonexistent body of water or an image, sometimes distorted, of some object or of a…

Taylor, Zachary

(Encyclopedia) Taylor, ZacharyTaylor, Zacharyzăkˈərē [key], 1784–1850, 12th President of the United States (1849–50), b. Orange co., Va. He was raised in Kentucky. Taylor joined the army in 1808,…

transcontinental railroad

(Encyclopedia) transcontinental railroad, in U.S. history, rail connection with the Pacific coast. In 1845, Asa Whitney presented to Congress a plan for the federal government to subsidize the…

Shatt al Arab

(Encyclopedia) Shatt al ArabShatt al Arabshät äl äˈräb [key], tidal river, 120 mi (193 km) long, formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, flowing SE to the Persian Gulf, forming…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Stops Along the Way

Stops Along the WayAnatomy and PhysiologyThe Digestive SystemStops Along the WayIt's a Long Way DownJack-of-All-TradesRunning Along the TractPancreatic Panacea?What We Do with Our Food In order…

Origin of Life: Early Earth Environment

Early Earth EnvironmentOrigin of LifeIntroductionSpontaneous GenerationEarly Earth Environment So if Pasteur is correct and life only comes from existing life, where and how did life begin? Many…

Monroe Doctrine

(Encyclopedia) Monroe Doctrine, principle of American foreign policy enunciated in President James Monroe's message to Congress, Dec. 2, 1823. It initially called for an end to European intervention…