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State Department Notes on Somalia

U.S. Department of State Background Note Index: Geography History Government Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Somali Relations GEOGRAPHY The Cushitic populations of the…

State Department Notes on Ethiopia

U.S. Department of State Background Note Index: Geography People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Ethiopia Relations GEOGRAPHY Ethiopia…

Charles X, king of Sweden

(Encyclopedia) Charles X, 1622–60, king of Sweden (1654–60), nephew of Gustavus II. The son of John Casimir, count palatine of Zweibrücken, he brought the house of Wittelsbach to the Swedish throne…


(Encyclopedia) IndusIndusĭnˈdəs [key], chief river of Pakistan, c.1,900 mi (3,060 km) long, rising in the Kailas range in the Tibetan Himalayas, and flowing NW across Ladakh, India, then SW through…

Nadir Shah

(Encyclopedia) Nadir Shah or Nader ShahNader Shahboth: näˈdēr shä [key], 1688–1747, shah of Iran (1736–47), sometimes considered the last of the great Asian conquerors. He was a member of the Afshar…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Moldings molding, in architecture, furniture, and decorative objects, a surface or group of surfaces of projecting or receding contours. A molding may serve as a defining…

water power

(Encyclopedia) water power, mechanical energy derived from falling or flowing water, e.g., rivers, streams, and the overflow of dams. The wooden water wheel, long utilized for driving machinery in…

State Department Notes on Kuwait

U.S. Department of State Background Note Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations Defense U.S.-Kuwaiti Relations PEOPLEOver 90% of the population…

Hawking, Stephen William

(Encyclopedia) Hawking, Stephen William, 1942–2018, British theoretical physicist, b. Oxford, England, grad. University College, Oxford, 1962, Ph.D. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1966. In 1962 Hawking was…