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Rosa Parks

Rosa Louise McCauley ParksactivistBorn: 1913 Rosa Parks, an activist with the Montgomery, Alabama, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), made history in 1955 when she…

Highlander Research and Education Center

(Encyclopedia) Highlander Research and Education Center, New Market, Tenn.; founded as the Highlander Folk School in 1932 in Monteagle, Tenn., by Myles Horton (1905–90), who was influenced Denmark's…

Martin Luther King, Jr., Biography

1929—1968, American clergyman and civil rights leader   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., prepares to speak to a crowd of 200,000 marchers in Washingtion, DC. Related Links Martin Luther King…

Curtis Mayfield

singer-songwriter Born: 6/3/1942Birthplace: Chicago influential singer-songwriter known for his funky, political, and socially inspirational songs, such as “Superfly” and “People Get Ready” that…

Grace Lee Boggs

activistBorn: 1915Birthplace: Providence, R.I. Boggs enrolled in Barnard College in 1931 at age to study philosophy. She stayed until she received a Ph.D. in 1940. She moved to Chicago and became…


(Encyclopedia) mainstreaming, in education, practice of teaching handicapped children in regular classrooms with nonhandicapped children to the fullest extent possible; such children may have…

Andrew Jackson YOUNG, Jr., Congress, GA (1932)

YOUNG, Andrew Jackson, Jr., a Representative from Georgia; born in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, La., March 12, 1932; educated in public schools of New Orleans, Gilbert Academy, and Dillard…

Timeline: Martin Luther King Jr.

Timeline: Martin Luther King, Jr. Part III: National Figure by David Johnson   1963 1964 1965 Next: New Directions for Civil Rights 1963 King is arrested…

Slideshow: Women Nobel Peace Prize Winners

by Liz Olson and Jennie Wood The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to persons who have made the most outstanding contributions toward world peace. From novelists to social workers, the award has gone to…

Clark, Kenneth Bancroft

(Encyclopedia) Clark, Kenneth Bancroft, 1914–2005, American psychologist and educator, b. Panama Canal Zone, grad. Howard (B.A., 1935) and Columbia (Ph.D., 1940). Clark taught psychology at Howard (…