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Art Movements

Abstract Expressionism A style developed in the mid-20th century. It emphasized form and color rather than an actual subject. Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning were abstract expressionists.…

Civil War

America's Bloodiest War: A Video Watch this video to better understand the history, battles and important figures of the bloodiest conflict in U.S. History—the Civil War—and its aftermath. Civil…

The Civil War

The Civil War Apart from the matter of slavery, the Civil War arose out of both the economic and political rivalry between an agrarian South and an industrial North and the issue of the right of…

History of the Tea Party Movement

New Political Movement Quickly Found Loyal Following by Beth Rowen One of several Tea Party protests Related Links U.S. GovernmentFacts About SenatorsBiography of Sarah Palin  …

states' rights

(Encyclopedia) states' rights, in U.S. history, doctrine based on the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor…

Human Rights Day

A celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Elissa Haney Related Links Encyclopedia: Human Rights Human Rights Treatieis, Speeches, and Documents The World's Most…