(Encyclopedia) natural rights, political theory that maintains that an individual enters into society with certain basic rights and that no government can deny these rights. The modern idea of…
(Encyclopedia) victims' rights, rights of victims in the prosecution of the crimes commited against them. Nearly all U.S. states have enacted some victims rights legislation; federal legislation also…
(Encyclopedia) water rights, in law, the qualified privilege of a landowner to use the water adjacent to or flowing through his property. The privilege, also known as riparian rights, may be modified…
Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Wars U.S. Civil War Civil War Photographs and Timeline American Civil War Homepage Causes of the Civil War: Documents Wars FAQ…
(Encyclopedia) civil commitment or involuntary commitment, process by which a court determines whether or not to order an individual to receive treatment or care or be confined. A person may be…
(Encyclopedia) civil defense, nonmilitary activities designed to protect civilians and their property from enemy actions in time of war. A civil defense program usually includes measures taken during…