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(Encyclopedia)Eznite ĕzˈnīt [key], ostensibly an epithet of Adino (one of David's men) in Second Samuel. The name with its qualifier is translated in the parallel passage in First Chronicles as “he lifted up h...


(Encyclopedia)Shammah shămˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Jesse's third son. Alternate forms are Shimea, Shimeah, and Shimma. 2 Duke of Edom, grandson of Esau. 3 In the confusing list of David's mighty men in the Book...

Gloucester, Henry William Frederick Albert, duke of

(Encyclopedia)Gloucester, Henry William Frederick Albert, duke of glŏsˈstər, glôˈstər [key], 1900–1974, British prince; third son of George V, brother of Edward VIII and George VI, and uncle of Elizabeth II...


(Encyclopedia)Shalisha shălˈĭshə [key], in 1 Samuel, region of ancient Palestine, probably W of Shiloh. Baal-salisha may have been in the region. ...

Stockmar, Christian Friedrich, Baron von

(Encyclopedia)Stockmar, Christian Friedrich, Baron von krĭsˈtyän frēˈdrĭk bärōnˈ fŭn shtôkˈmär [key], 1787–1863, Anglo-Belgian diplomat and courtier, b. Coburg, Germany. A physician, Stockmar became ...

Saskatchewan, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Saskatchewan, river, c.340 mi (550 km) long, formed by the confluence of the North Saskatchewan (c.760 mi/1,220 km long) and the South Saskatchewan (c.550 mi/890 km long) rivers near Prince Albert, ce...

Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel pyĕr sämüĕlˈ dü pôN də nəmo͞orˈ [key], 1739–1817, French economist, one of the physiocrats. Early in his career he attracted the attention of François Q...

Hood, Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Hood, Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount, 1724–1816, British admiral. Entering the navy in 1741, he served with distinction in the Seven Years War. In 1781 he was sent to the West Indies as second in command...

Butler, Samuel, 1835–1902, English author

(Encyclopedia)Butler, Samuel, 1835–1902, English author. He was the son and grandson of eminent clergymen. In 1859, refusing to be ordained, he went to New Zealand, where he established a sheep farm and in a few ...


(Encyclopedia)Albrecht. For rulers thus named, use Albert.

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