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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Baudouin bōdo͞oăNˈ [key], 1930–93, king of the Belgians (1951–93), son of Leopold III. He joined his father in exile (1945–50) in Switzerland. After their return to Belgium his father's unpo...

Margai, Sir Milton

(Encyclopedia)Margai, Sir Milton märˈgī [key], 1895–1964, prime minister of Sierra Leone (1961–64). A prominent doctor, he turned to politics in 1949 and led his country to independence (1961) while serving ...

Butler, Samuel, 1612–80, English poet and satirist

(Encyclopedia)Butler, Samuel, 1612–80, English poet and satirist. During the Puritan Revolution he served Sir Samuel Luke, a noted officer of Cromwell. After the restoration of Charles II, he wrote his famous moc...


(Encyclopedia)Marozia mərōˈzhēə, Ital. märôˈtsyä [key], c.892–c.937, Italian noblewoman. Daughter of the Roman consul Theophylact and his wife Theodora, Marozia was strongly influenced by her mother who ...


(Encyclopedia)Goliath gōlīˈəth [key], in the Bible, a giant of Gath, a Philistine city, who challenged the Israelites. The young David, fortified by faith, accepted the challenge and killed him with a stone fro...

Edward, Lake

(Encyclopedia)Edward, Lake, or Edward Nyanza nīănˈzə, nē– [key] 830 sq mi (2,150 sq km), in the Great Rift Valley, central Africa, on the Congo-Uganda border. It lies at an altitude of c.3,000 ft (910 m), is...


(Encyclopedia)Borgerhout bôrˈkhərhout [key], town, Antwerp prov., N Belgium, on the Albert Canal, an industrial ...

Belleville, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Belleville, city, SE Ont., Canada, on Lake Ontario. Machinery, automotive accessories, optical lenses, and cheddar cheese are made there. Belleville is ...

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