Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Flatman, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Flatman, Thomas, 1637–88, English poet and miniature painter. There were several editions of his Poems and Songs (1674). One of his self-portraits is in the Victoria and Albert Museum. A portrait of...


(Encyclopedia)Semliki sĕmˈlĭkē [key], river, c.130 mi (209 km) long, E Congo (Kinshasa), E central Africa, flowing N from Lake Edward to Lake Albert. It forms part of the Congo-Uganda border. ...

Albert, prince consort of Victoria of Great Britain

(Encyclopedia)Albert, 1819–61, prince consort of Victoria of Great Britain, whom he married in 1840. He was of Wettin lineage, the son of Ernest I, duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and first cousin to Victoria. As an a...

Great Lakes, lakes and region, E Africa

(Encyclopedia)Great Lakes, group of freshwater lakes lying along the Great Rift Valley, E Africa, including Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa, Turkana, Albert, Kivu, and Edward. Lakes Victoria, Albert, and Edward e...

Ladislaus V

(Encyclopedia)Ladislaus V or Ladislaus Posthumus, 1440–57, king of Hungary (1444–57) and, as Ladislaus I, king of Bohemia (1453–57). Ladislaus, duke of Austria by birth as the posthumous son of Albert of Haps...

Tuke, William

(Encyclopedia)Tuke, William, 1732–1822, English merchant and philanthropist. He succeeded at an early age to the family business at York in wholesale tea and coffee. He is remembered as the chief founder of the Y...

Thrale, Hester Lynch

(Encyclopedia)Thrale, Hester Lynch, later Mrs. Piozzi pēŏzˈē, pēôtˈtsē [key], 1741–1821, Englishwoman, noted for her intimate friendship with Samuel Johnson. Daughter of John Salusbury, she married (1763)...


(Encyclopedia)Shiloh shīˈlō [key], town, central ancient Palestine, the modern Khirbet Seilun, the West Bank, NNE of Jerusalem. In biblical times it lay in the territory of Ephraim. The Hebrews were, apparently,...


(Encyclopedia)Ramah rāˈmə [key], in the Bible. 1 Town, NE ancient Palestine, allotted to Naphtali. 2 Town of Asher. 3 Unidentified town of Simeon, called Ramah of the south. It is apparently intended by the Ramo...

Brandenburg, state, Germany

(Encyclopedia)Brandenburg bränˈdənbo͝ork [key], state (1994 est. pop. 2,540,000), c.10,400 sq mi (26,940 sq km), E Germany. Potsdam is the capital; other leading cities include Cottbus, Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, a...

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