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500 results found

Alp Arslan

(Encyclopedia)Alp Arslan älp ärslänˈ [key], 1029–72, Seljuk sultan of Persia (1063–72). In 1065 he led the Seljuks in an invasion of Armenia and Georgia and in 1066 attacked the Byzantine Empire. The succes...

Mola, Emilio

(Encyclopedia)Mola, Emilio āmēˈlyō mōˈlä [key], 1887–1937, Spanish nationalist general. Entering the army in 1904, he rose to the rank of general by 1927, when he commanded a military district in Morocco. ...


(Encyclopedia)Kayseri kīˈsĕrēˌ [key], city (1990 pop. 416,276), capital of Kayseri prov., central Turkey, at the foot of Mt. Erciyas. It is an important commercial center and has textile mills, sugar refinerie...

Abd al-Mumin

(Encyclopedia)Abd al-Mumin äbˌdäl-mŭˈmĭn [key], d. 1163, founder of the empire of the Almohads. He was the favorite of the Almohad religious reformer Ibn Tumart and became (1130) his successor. Even before hi...

Geertz, Clifford James

(Encyclopedia)Geertz, Clifford James gĭrts [key], 1926–2006, American cultural anthropologist, b. San Francisco. He was a professor of anthropology at the Univ. of Chicago from 1960 to 1970, when he became a pro...


(Encyclopedia)Mogadishu or Mogadisho both: mŏgədĭshˈo͞o [key], Ital. Mogadiscio, city (1990 est. pop. 1,200,000), capital of Somalia, on the Indian Ocean. It is the country's largest city, a port, and a commer...

John V, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia)John V (John Palaeologus) pālˌēŏlˈəgəs [key], 1332–91, Byzantine emperor (1341–91), son and successor of Andronicus III. Forced to fight John VI (John Cantacuzene), who usurped the throne d...

Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward

(Encyclopedia)Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward frēr [key], 1815–84, British colonial administrator; nephew of John Hookham Frere. He served (1850–59) as chief commissioner of Sind, distinguishing himself during ...

Amalric I

(Encyclopedia)Amalric I əmôˈrē, Fr. ämōrēˈ [key], c.1137–1174, Latin king of Jerusalem (1162–74); brother and successor of Baldwin III. He spent his reign in attempts to gain and hold the suzerainty of ...

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