Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Murad II

(Encyclopedia)Murad II, 1403–51, Ottoman sultan (1421–51), son and successor of Muhammad I to the throne of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). He was opposed at his accession by a pretender, Mustafa, who rapidly gain...

Ujung Pandang

(Encyclopedia)Ujung Pandang məkăsˈər [key], city (1990 pop. 944,685), SW Sulawesi, capital of Sulawesi Selatan prov., Indonesia. The largest city in Sulawesi, it is one of Indonesia's important seaports, a dist...

Atatürk, Kemal

(Encyclopedia)Atatürk, Kemal kĕmälˈ ätätürkˈ [key], 1881–1938, Turkish leader, founder of modern Turkey. He took the name in 1934 in place of his earlier name, Mustafa Kemal, when he ordered all Turks to ...


(Encyclopedia)CE5 Mauritania môrĭtāˈnēə [key], officially Islamic Republic of Mauritania, republic (2015 est. pop. 4,182,000), 397,953 sq mi (1,030,700 sq km), NW Africa. It borders on the Atlantic Ocean i...


(Encyclopedia)Jolo hōˈlō, hōlōˈ [key], island (345 sq mi/894 sq km), Sulu Archipelago, the Philippines. The seaport city, Jolo (1990 pop. 53,055), on the northwest coast of the island, is the capital of Sulu ...

Stephen the Great

(Encyclopedia)Stephen the Great, d.1504, prince of Moldavia (1457–1504). A great military and political leader, Stephen consolidated princely authority, furthered economic prosperity, and reorganized the army, th...


(Encyclopedia)Mauretania môrˌətāˈnēə [key], ancient district of Africa in Roman times. In a vague sense it meant only “the land of the Moors” and lay W of Numidia, but more specifically it usually includ...

Spotswood, Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Spotswood, Alexander, 1676–1740, colonial governor of Virginia, b. Tangier, Morocco. Appointed in 1710, he was officially lieutenant governor under the nominal governorship of George Hamilton, 1st e...

Ibrahim Pasha

(Encyclopedia)Ibrahim Pasha ēbrähēmˈ päˈshä [key], 1789–1848, Egyptian general. He was the eldest son of Muhammad Ali, governor of Egypt under the Ottoman Empire. Ibrahim conducted (1816–19) largely succ...

Floridablanca, José Moñino, conde de

(Encyclopedia)Floridablanca or Florida Blanca, José Moñino, conde de hōsāˈ mōnyēˈnō kōnˈdā dā flōrēˈᵺä blängˈkä [key], 1728–1808, Spanish statesman. After the expulsion of the Jesuits from S...

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