Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Tabriz täbrēzˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 1,088,985), capital of East Azerbaijan prov., NW Iran, on the Aji Chai (Talkheh) River, in the foothills of Mt. Sahand, at an elevation of c.4,600 ft (1,400 m)...

Mahmud I

(Encyclopedia)Mahmud I mämo͞odˈ, mäˈmo͞od [key], 1696–1754, Ottoman sultan (1730–54), son of Mustafa II, nephew and successor of Ahmed III. A revolt of the Janissaries put him on the throne of the Ottoman...

Shirley, Sir Anthony

(Encyclopedia)Shirley or Sherley, Sir Anthony, 1565–1636?, English adventurer. He fought in the Netherlands (1586) under the earl of Leicester and in France (1591) under the earl of Essex, who became his patron. ...

Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, Viscount, 1786–1880, British diplomat. He entered (1807) the foreign office under the aegis of his cousin, George Canning. Sent (1808) to Turkey, he negoti...

Giraud, Henri Honoré

(Encyclopedia)Giraud, Henri Honoré äNrēˈ ōnôrāˈ zhērōˈ [key], 1879–1949, French general. He served in World War I and in the campaign in Morocco (1925–26). A commander in World War II, he was capture...

O'Donnell, Leopoldo

(Encyclopedia)O'Donnell, Leopoldo lāōpōlˈdō ōᵺōˈnĕl [key], 1809–67, Spanish general and statesman; member of a branch of the Irish O'Donnells of Tyrconnel. He fought successfully for Isabella II agains...


(Encyclopedia)Mostar môˈstär [key], city (2013 pop. 65,286), in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the Neretva River. Its name means “Old Bridge,” referring to the 16th-century stone bridge built by Ottoman sultan S...

Vlad IV

(Encyclopedia)Vlad IV, 1431?–1476, prince of Walachia (1448, 1456–62, 1476), known as Vlad the Impaler. He was the son of Prince Vlad Dracul (Vlad the Devil) and is therefore also called Dracula or son of the D...


(Encyclopedia)Constantinople kŏnˌstănˌtĭnōˈpəl [key], former capital of the Byzantine Empire and of the Ottoman Empire, since 1930 officially called İstanbul (for location and description, see İstanbul). ...

District of Columbia, University of the

(Encyclopedia)District of Columbia, University of the, at Washington, D.C.; coeducational; land-grant and federally supported; est. 1976 with the merger of three existing colleges; predominantly African American. I...

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