Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Gordian gôrˈdēən [key], name of three Roman emperors. Gordian I (Marcus Antonius Gordianus Africanus), d. 238, was a Roman of great wealth and was colleague in the consulship with Caracalla and wi...

Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, conde-duque de

(Encyclopedia)Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, conde-duque de gäspärˈ dā go͞othmänˈ kōnˈdā-do͞oˈkā dā ōlēväˈrās [key], 1587–1645, Spanish statesman. He was appointed chief minister on the accession...

Valois, royal house of France

(Encyclopedia)Valois välwäˈ [key], royal house of France that ruled from 1328 to 1589. At the death of Charles IV, the last of the direct Capetians, the Valois dynasty came to the throne in the person of Philip ...


(Encyclopedia)Canonchet: see King Philip's War. ...

Clement XI, pope

(Encyclopedia)Clement XI, 1649–1721, pope (1700–1721), an Italian (b. Urbino) named Giovanni Francesco Albani; successor of Innocent XII. He was known in his youth for his prodigious learning and brilliance. He...


(Encyclopedia)Massasoit măsˌəsoiˈĭt, măsˈəsoitˌ [key], c.1580–1661, chief of the Wampanoag. His name was Ousamequin (spelled in various ways); Massasoit is a title of leadership. One of the most powerful...

Teixeira, Pedro

(Encyclopedia)Teixeira, Pedro pĕˈdro͝o tāˈshārə [key], d. 1640, Portuguese explorer, one of the early voyagers on the Amazon. He commanded the expedition sent by the governor of Maranhão up the Amazon in th...


(Encyclopedia)Phocis fōˈsĭs [key], ancient region of central Greece. It included Delphi, Mt. Parnassus, and Elatea; Boeotia (now Voiotía) was on the east, and the Gulf of Corinth was on the south. After the Fir...

Perseus, king of Macedon

(Encyclopedia)Perseus, c.212–166 b.c., last king of Macedon (179–168 b.c.), son and successor of Philip V. He intrigued against his younger brother, Demetrius, eventually bringing about the latter's execution b...

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