Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Edwards, Edward

(Encyclopedia)Edwards, Edward, 1812–86, English library pioneer. As assistant from 1839 in the British Museum, he helped Sir Anthony Panizzi draw up the rules for the catalog. Edwards collected library statistics...


(Encyclopedia)Helvellyn hĕlvĕlˈĭn [key], mountain, 3,118 ft (950 m) high, in the Lake District, NW England, SE of Keswick. Near the summit is a memorial to Charles Gough, who died (1805) there of exposure. He w...

White, John, artist, cartographer, Virginia pioneer

(Encyclopedia)White, John, fl. 1585–93, artist, cartographer, and Virginia pioneer, b. probably in England. In 1585 he was commissioned to go with the expedition to Roanoke Island to depict life in the New World....

Schmoller, Gustav

(Encyclopedia)Schmoller, Gustav go͝osˈtäf shmôlˈər [key], 1838–1917, German economist. He was the leader of the younger school of German historical economists, who tried to interrelate economics with the ot...

Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia)Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of kätōˈ-käNbrāzēˈ [key], 1559, concluded at Le Cateau, France, by representatives of Henry II of France, Philip II of Spain, and Elizabeth I of England. It put an end...

Fishers Hill

(Encyclopedia)Fishers Hill, bluff, near Strasburg, Va., in the Shenandoah Valley; site of Union Gen. Philip Sheridan's defeat of Gen. Jubal Early on Sept. 22, 1864, during the Civil War. ...


(Encyclopedia)Geoffrey jĕfˈrē [key], 1158–86, duke of Brittany (1171–86); fourth son of Henry II of England. Betrothed (1166) to Constance, heiress of Brittany, he was recognized as heir to the duchy in 1169...

Earn, Loch

(Encyclopedia)Earn, Loch lŏkh ûrn [key], lake, 7 mi (11.2 km) long and 1 mi (1.6 km) wide, Perth and Kinross and Stirling, central Scotland. Ardvorlich House, on its shore, is the Darlinvarach of Sir Walter Scott...

Anson, George Anson, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697–1762, British admiral. In his famous voyage (1740–44) around the world, Anson, in spite of shipwrecks and scurvy, inflicted great damage on Spanish shipping and re...

Leonard, Buck

(Encyclopedia)Leonard, Buck (Walter Fenner Leonard), 1907–1997, African-American baseball player, b. Rocky Mount, N.C. Beginning in 1933, he played semiprofessional ball with the Baltimore Stars and the Brooklyn ...

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