Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Berg, Paul

(Encyclopedia)Berg, Paul, 1926–2023, American biologist, b. New York City, Ph.D. Western Reserve Univ., 1952. A professor at Washington Univ. at St. Louis and Stanf...

Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman

(Encyclopedia)Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman sāntsˈbərē [key], 1845–1933, English critic and historian. His many works on English and French literature, notable for their breadth of knowledge and spirited ...

Robin Hood

(Encyclopedia)Robin Hood, legendary hero of 12th-century England who robbed the rich to help the poor. Chivalrous, manly, fair, and always ready for a joke, Robin Hood reflected many of the ideals of the English ye...

Butler, John

(Encyclopedia)Butler, John, 1728–96, Loyalist commander in the American Revolution, b. New London, Conn. He served in the French and Indian Wars and distinguished himself especially by leading the Native American...

Essex, Robert Devereux, 2d earl of

(Encyclopedia)Essex, Robert Devereux, 2d earl of dĕvˈəro͞oksˌ, –ro͞oˌ, –rĕksˌ [key], 1567–1601, English courtier and favorite of Queen Elizabeth I. Succeeding to the earldom on the death (1576) of hi...

New York Philharmonic

(Encyclopedia)New York Philharmonic, dating from 1842, the oldest symphony orchestra in the United States. The orchestra as it now exists is the result of the merger of the Philharmonic Society of New York with the...

Egmont, Lamoral, count of

(Encyclopedia)Egmont, Lamoral, count of läˌmōrälˈ, ĕgˈmônt [key], 1522–68, Flemish general and statesman, member of one of the noblest families of the Netherlands. In the service of Philip II of Spain he ...

Charles of Valois

(Encyclopedia)Charles of Valois välwäˈ [key], 1270–1325, French prince and military leader, third son of Philip III and father of Philip VI. He dominated the reign in France of his nephew Louis X. On the excom...

Ensenada, Zenón de Somodevilla, marqués de la

(Encyclopedia)Ensenada, Zenón de Somodevilla, marqués de la thānōnˈ dā sōmōᵺāvēˈlyä märkāsˈ dā lä ānsānäˈᵺä [key], 1702–81, Spanish statesman. He was created (1736) marquis for his part ...

Louis VIII, king of France

(Encyclopedia)Louis VIII, 1187–1226, king of France (1223–26), son and successor of King Philip II. He fought (1215, 1219) against the Albigenses in S France. Invited by English lords in rebellion against their...

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